Student card
Paris-Saclay campus
Students who have recently arrived on campus should go to counter 1 - Bâtiment Eiffel from 15 September to collect their student cards. This card allows access to the school's various buildings. It also supports IZLY and ISIC.
Rennes campus
Newly arrived students should go to Mr CADEAU Grégory's office, office 208, as soon as the new school year starts.
Metz campus
Newly arrived students should go to the office of M LEPEZEL Eric - 2nd floor - office A 214.1 as soon as the new school year starts.
This is the contactless payment solution on the Paris Saclay and Metz campuses.
With Izly, you can pay for purchases using your smartphone or student card.
Within 24 hours of receiving their student card, students will receive an email from IZLY to activate their account, which will be used to eat at the Crous and use the coffee machines.
The ISIC card allows you to prove your student status throughout the world. It entitles you to discounts in France and abroad.
It is valid for 16 months, from 1 September to 31 December of the following year.
The ISIC card can be renewed electronically for students studying over several years.
In December of the year following your 1st enrolment, you will receive an email on your personal email to activate the new card.
PLEASE NOTE: the physical card remains valid for access to the buildings for the duration of your course. Could you keep it safe?