Edouard Branly Residence
For first-time students (1st Year entrance exam students, double degree, FreeMoov, Shift years)
Once you have been informed of your assignment on the Metz campus, and if you wish to live at the Edouard Branly residence, you must make an online reservation request by following the procedure you will find here.
For students re-enrolling in the engineering program (2nd and 3rd years)
After the July jury, you will receive an e-mail from Mme Bertolo Dorothée informing you of the procedure to follow to make your online reservation. Her e-mail will include a link to the Edourard Branly residence website.
In both cases, whether you're a newcomer or a returning student, you need to take this step quickly, as the apartments in this residence are not reserved exclusively for CentraleSupélec.

Other student residences
There are several other student residences in Metz. To find a free place, visit Adele.org